Can we select seats in Indigo?
Guidance to seat selection on Indigo Traveling to your desired destination on the preferred seats will always you a memorable flight journey. There is various seat form in which you want to select the seat type while bookings the flight ticket. If you are traveling with Indigo airlines, you can get many facilities like early bookings and refunds on the cancelation. If the passenger wants to choose the seat on Indigo airlines but lacks information, they cannot do so; then they need to read below. Can we select seats in Indigo? Yes, if the passenger is traveling with Indigo airlines, then they can avail the benefit of choosing the seat. The seat selection starts two days after departure, and the passenger must choose the available options of the premium seat, business seat, and standard seat. If the passenger cannot select the seat online, they can also choose the seat from the counter of Indigo airlines available at the airport. The process to select the seat are below mention. F